1. Legal Framework

We endeavor at all times to fully conform to the following UK legislation: Distance Selling Regulations 2000, the EC eCommerce Regulations 2002, Data Protection Act 1998 and the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 & 2005.

2. Privacy Policy

2.1 FMS Mobility Centres is committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining the security of any personal information received from you. We strictly adhere to the requirements of the data protection legislation in the UK.

The purpose of this statement is to explain to you what personal information we collect and how we may use it.

2.2 When you order, we need to know your name, address, email address and card details. This allows us to process and fulfil your order. You have the option to withhold personal information that is not required for the order process.

2.3 We use your personal information solely for payment and billing purposes.

We will only contact you with your consent.

2.4 We do not sell, rent or exchange your personal information with any third party for commercial reasons, beyond the essential requirement for credit/debit card validation during purchase.

2.5 We follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information which you have given us, to prevent unauthorised access in accordance with the UK data protection legislation.

We do not collect sensitive information about you except when you specifically knowingly provide it. In order to maintain the accuracy of our database, you can check, update or remove your personal details by contacting

2.6 In order to process credit/debit card transactions, the bank or card processing agency may require to verify your personal details for authorisation outside the EEA (European Economic Area). Your information will not be transferred outside the EEA for any other purpose.

2.8 In general, our service automatically gathers certain usage information, like the numbers and frequency of visitors to our sites and its areas, very much like television ratings that tell the networks how many people tuned in to a programme. This information is only used to determine popularity of pages and this collective data helps us determine how much our customers use parts of the site, so we can improve our site to assure that it is as appealing as we can make it for as many of you as possible.

2.7 If you have any questions about privacy please contact us at

3. Data protection

3.1 FMS Mobility Centres is committed to protecting your privacy. We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. We do not use or disclose information about your individual visits to our website or information that you may give us, such as your name, address, email address or telephone number, to any outside companies.

3.2 Under the UK Data Protection Act 1998 FMS Mobility Centres follows strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information which you have given us, to prevent unauthorised access.

4. Governing law

4.1 These terms and conditions are governed by and to be construed in accordance with English law.

4.2 Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

5. Further Information

Questions regarding the above statements should be directed to FMS Mobility Centres (email: for clarification)


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